is nobody else concerned how easy it is be to peddle false hope in regards to love as channeled messages just to gain a platform
I really be concerned how easily people eat that shit up, especially when you use words like past-life connection, soulmate, divine partner [thread]—
it needs to be talked about honestly
people really take a tweet and re-think an entire relation(situation🥴)ship based off of what some random on Twitter said
and it's not a matter of "well if it resonates" bc yall do not understand resonance
and people don't care or even—
understand what it feels like for something to resonate with them truly bc they are so bombarded with messages
so lost
and so eager to make something stick
if the shoe doesn't fit, there are people that will make it, ESPECIALLY in regards to love

and my other thing—
is I be confused how people are even channeling, and I wish people would say.
of course they don't have to, and it's probably not aesthetically pleasing in a tweet,
but it would be really nice to know especially when everyone of your channeled >collective< messages is on love—
my question is, are you using a love message specific oracle deck, or is that the only way you can interpret a tarot spread? bc that's a little concerning

or are you just receiving downloads for the collective in regards to love all the time?
I never say anything is impossible—
but some shit be UNLIKELY,

also I do understand that people can specialize in certain things, and that can very well be someone's lane, but love messages are often problematic af

lastly, the human experience is very much ABOUT love, it IS love, but why these love messages—
never about the Auntie that has love for you and you are meant to reach out to her? or that your niece needs her Uncle to be there for her?

why are collective messages and why are love messages always romantic love?
I am going to ask that again because I am confusion—

because. it. sells.
advertising 101 in the simplest terms, sex sells, romance sells, and that's why this is concerning to me to see the larger collective—
gravitate solely toward love msgs

you are being sold back what you've been disconnected from

love messages rely on being super vague and applying to anybody who wants to make it fit and that's what's scary
I need people to trust their intuition instead of blindly following—
tweets that tell you that person who fucked you over last Spring is coming back, Spirit is working on them, or whatever tf you want to hear
Get used to the feeling of something actually resonating, and understand what that feels like to you, talk to your guides, your—
If you are confused on what's for you and what's not, tell your guides that if they want you to know a message is for you, you want to feel that shit in your bones.

If you're wondering if a message is for you, it's probably not. It's really that simple most the time.—
this was my little word on love messages, I had to get this out and I still feel there's more to say, but I'll leave it at this.

Trust your perception and intuition first and foremost.
Understand how you feel resonance. What's for you is felt.
Discernment is key.
you know what, if you got something out of this thread and feel so inclined, your are more than welcome to tip me 🌸$etherealdeen 
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