Illegal job offers are way too common in Australia and unfortunately migrants are the most vulnerable to this kind of exploitation. Let's review one such job ad that came to our attention to help you understand why it's problematic.

Have a look at the job ad in the image below.
This might seem like a good deal, particularly if you've just arrived from a country where $750 would be an entire month’s income but this is VERY EXPLOITATIVE.

Let’s show you how using "Awards" which legally outline the minimum pay rates & conditions of employment in Australia.
This role would fall into the Miscellaneous Award (which is for nannies who sometimes tidy the kids’ rooms not a 2-in-1 employee) where expected working hrs are 38 hrs & rest is overtime. Let’s say the applicant for this job has no work experience so they fall under Level 1.
So these would be the rates applicable,

Ordinary hours: $19.84
Saturday rate: $23.81
Sunday rate: $29.76
Overtime - first 3 hours: $29.76
Overtime - after 3 hours: $39.68
If you don't exceed 38 working hrs per week, dividing this by 6 expected working days, you will have 6.3 hours per day, which would be your ordinary hours. As per the job ad you will work on Saturday & Sundays incl. overtime, so your pay should be:
Ordinary hours: $499,96
Overtime: $357.12 + $428.5 = $785.62

Ordinary hours: $150 + $187.48 = 337.48
Overtime: $178.56 + 214.27 = 392.83

Total: $2,015.89/week
And this is ignoring the fact the worker will also be expected to clean after a family of 6! This is why it is important to understand labour laws, how to find the relevant information about your industry & the National Employment Standards before you consider any job offer.
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