I applaud those galoots. I really do. The new men of Pamplona, only their bull is the detritus of our american century. Joyous agony. Keaton would salute it. Enviable clarity of appellation too. Honest to god my heart longs to say it: "Hi, I'm Orson Welles and welcome to Jackass"
Granted I savored his show where he harangued secretaries from Butte into leaping off burning buildings and such but Rogan's thuggish toadyism is a bad business. His pantomime astonishment is a used car he wishes to unload and he seems to continue to stare even when looking away
Primordial noir: a woman dressed to kill, attack personified, dancing as never before...unaware she too is in for a fright. A truth pushes through the gloomy dancefloor abyss of the music, the beat, the tempo. Life: it has no meaning...and this is what so haunts your maniac, Mark
My objection to those pictures is they're so mawkish and preachy. Yes! A fellow delighting in the noble pursuit of carpentry while expecting the best from his fellow man and disdaining substance abusers? Were it not for profane language I'd wager Saw was bankrolled by The Mormons
Of course we can no longer speak of storytelling, lest we be mistaken for damn Neil Gaiman, that leather duster of regrettable sentience. His homeopathic dilution of dandyism has eclipsed us all. And that affect, like being reasoned with in a head shop no matter the topic..christ
An attractive show, Hannibal, but I cannot abide the mystic soliloquizing. One sees enough barely-concealed pyschoanalysis crawling across the screen in the work of the august members of the academy, I have no great need to hear it directly from an excitable amateur cuisinier.
What is missed, and missing is an audience's great passion, is that this is no ode to The Monster Mash, but a lament for the cruel, commercially driven theft of the Transylvanian twist, the architect of which appears in a coffin... imagery I would not normally accuse of subtlety
Just why should Bill Gibson be compelled to comment on some damn kiddie game it seems is designed to murder its audience? I cannot abide haunting a man with an adjective, any time I seek funding the ones applied to me in youth stride forth like a Lord Banquo, bloody locks aquiver
Life cannot pass without time spent as that most violate chemical concoction: the teenager. And no more potent a pair, sounding a barbaric yawp across the convenience stores of the world. Perfect comic frailty too, like the memories they conjur. Beavis and Butthead, noble fools.
It's buff chum, you know. Fill a movie with squinting and efficiency and the buffs will fall upon it with a loony horniness I don't dare contemplate. The pits. Mann in particular, each film about a skilled technical pro stymied by the need for a plot to occur. Gee, what subtlety!
No no, it upsets me! Have you ever endured an interaction with an avid teenage photographer before? You have, your furrowed brow betrays you. And did you think "why, I wish this fellow was hurtling toward me in his PJs as the police saluted?" No? Precisely! Spiderman, hang it all
I hesitate to disparage a fellow raconteur but there's something paranormal about Hank Rollins' omnipresence. No matter the topic he materialises with his weird jocular solemnity, pulling a face like a man arriving at the wrong funeral thinking "I may as well make the best of it"
another intermission to request you imagine orson welles saying "Gucci Mane Gorbachov..." like Gucci Mane does on the intro to the Brrrusia tape then trailing off mystically
Podcasting? God...abject. One expects those who presume on so many ear canals to at least meekly feign charisma. Yet in the regrettable flesh, these fellows, to a man, look as if they've been startled by a fire alarm while trying to surreptitiously photograph a woman at the gym
Ramsay is tragedy not farce. A ham, yes.. undeniably porcine but what's a man whose tumultuous youth meant cookery was learnt in restaurants alone saying when he tells a hyperventilating midwesterner their family buffalo pasta recipe so revolts him, he can barely stand to shit it
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