OK, so this is gonna get me in trouble (it shouldn’t but it will), but I’m gonna say it: the COVID vaccine is NOT the Mark of the Beast! Get this into your head, it is NOT the Mark. Now I know this comes as zero to surprise my amillennial friends (whom I am finding myself 1/
increasingly identifying with), but to my premillennial dispensationalist friends, seriously, stop it. If you really do believe in a rapture, a 7 year tribulation, and an antichrist, then for goodness sake, remember your own theology! According to dispensationalist theology 2/
the Mark is an actual mark of allegiance to the antichrist and the world system. It is NOT: a debit card, a microchip, or a medical vaccine! It is something that actually marks the wearer as aligning themselves with the antichrist, it is a public declaration, without which 3/
one cannot buy or sell. Therefore, a vaccine which has no requirement that one a person pledge allegiance to such a system CANNOT be the actual mark, so STOP IT! And please, stop with the idea that “it’s just getting us ready.” Stop and think about this for a minute. Literally 4/
everything is something that could be “preparing us.” Technology advances, societal norms change, politics rise and fall. EVERYTHING has its part to play in God’s sovereign plan. And if you actually believe in a pre-trib rapture, YOU WON’T BE HERE! So please do yourself a 5/
favor and quit reading Revelation in one hand with the latest headlines in the other. Scripture was NEVER intended to be read in that manner. It is an abuse of Scripture when we do this. Eschatology is not a seek and find tool. You don’t use the Bible as a whodonit to figure 6/
out who the antichrist is, when the rapture is coming, and when the end of days will be. While prophecy indeed often tells us what is yet to come, it is to be a reminder of the God who is in control of all things. That we know He ultimately will be glorified in His 7/
redemption of His people and His judgment of the wicked. If and when you see something that seems to be pointing to the end times, then you rejoice that God’s Word is true. And you proclaim the gospel all the more that people may turn in repentance and faith. So if you don’t 8/
want to take the vaccine, cool, don’t. But stop panicking that somehow people are going to be mark for eternal hell because they chose to take a vaccine that’s being pushed for mostly political reasons. It ain’t what you think it is. End/
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