As someone who has admittedly played *hundreds* of hours of Settlers of Catan, I've learned quite a few lessons about how to be successful in business and in life.

Here are a few of my favorite ones 👇
Early advantages compound quickly 🚀

It's so important to get access to as many important resources early on. If you do this, they will quickly compound. Maybe not today, but somewhere down the road, they will create opportunity. Think education, investments, relationships...
Avoid status games 🙅

The longest road awards a player 2 victory points; however, it can be quickly taken away. If you're battling others for status, you're not focusing on what matters most.
Adapt when it's not working 🌾

You won't always have dice roll in your favor. When this happens, adapt. Use what you have. Build what you can. You never know when a robber will come and take half of everything you have.
Double down 🎲

When something on your board *is* working and producing a surplus, double down. Turn that settlement into a city to reap 2x the rewards.
Trade with others 🤝

You'll never have everything you want in life, but you can often trade skills, products, and services with others to get access to unimaginable wealth.
Have fun with it 🎉

As long as you're playing the game with people you love spending time with... you'll be just fine.

Shout-out to @settlersofcatan for so many fond memories and getting me through some tough times over the years.
You can follow @IshIsDeep.
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