Someone asked me to send them some USDT. I visited , sold some ETH in 20 seconds, sent the USDT. If I had done this on a CEX, I would have to:
1. Open my password manager
2. Go to the CEX site
3. Open my Google Authenticator
4. Whitelist a new withdrawal address
5. Click the confirmation email
6. Issue the withdrawal
7. Google Authenticator again
8. Identify 7 fire hydrants
9. Click the next confirmation email
DeFi is not necessarily all about decentralization, it's also about just escaping the horrible/unusable UX that CEXes are associated with. I'm okay with Metamask security for my spending money portion. And it makes my crypto wallet actually useable for something.
The idea that your browser can directly interface with a variety of different financial apps and seamlessly hop around between them without sign-up, instead of having to through multiple steps to log in to a closed garden, is great. I think it's worth trying out if you haven't.
I've had a pretty great experience moving between Polymarket to bet some USDC on the ETH2 launch, withdrawing it, buying some options, going long BTC with leveraged perpetual swaps, all without completing a single bullshit captcha.
This model allows every service to fixate on their one specific thing. Polymarket does betting. Hegic does options. dYdX does perps. And they each focus on perfecting their one thing. Not like with a CEX that has to perfect all of them to facilitate me a comparable experience.
And even if the CEX did facilitate all that, I'd still have to do the bullshit KYC and the bullshit captchas. And I'd be stuck in custodial mode all the time because it'd just be too much of a pain in the ass to leave the CEX for the durations inbetween.
Even if every DeFi component isn't decentralized, it's atleast convenient enough to use so I can leave things resting in my wallet while I'm not using it. That allows me to be non-custodial for 99% of the time. If you can't wrap your head around why this is beneficial, I'm sorry.
@udiWertheimer you're an idiot
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