Our new paper in @JAMANetworkOpen shows no disparity in adjusted outcomes between Black/Hispanic/White #COVID19 patients @nyulangone once hospitalized; if anything, Blacks seem to do a little better. Is this an anomaly? @gbengaogedegbe https://ja.ma/3n1NKhC  /Thread
This @cdcgov study of 2,491 hospitalized patients at 154 hospitals across the US confirms the findings https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciaa1012/5872581
Yet, it is indisputable that Black, Hispanic and Indigenous communities have 2-4 times greater age-adjusted #COVID19 mortality rates than Whites @apmresearch
So, why is that? Recall disparities can arise at any point in causal pathway. In this case, several other steps in the pathway are the likely culprits:
So, what our study and those of others show is that the degree of within-hospital bias seems to be relatively minimal; not enough to affect outcomes. That’s some good news, but more importantly, should help prioritize the many other areas we need to focus on to improve outcomes.
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