how Covid has affected my friends lives, a thread:
my friend’s father passed away due to a medical error in the hospital resulting from influx of covid patients and an understaffed hospital. This does not excuse their mistake but explains a domino effect.
My friend’s uncle contracted covid even when he was really safe and most likely came in contact with someone who wasn’t.
My friend’s sister-in-law watches patients die bc of their family members throwing parties
My friend’s dad didn’t take covid srsly and got sick without telling anyone. He’s in the hospital now. 😕
My friend’s grandma passed away and to this day her coworkers are still anti-maskers
Continuation of my friend’s grandma, because people are slipping into my dm’s about her “underlying conditions.” And how her uncle who originally had covid is weak and lost 35 pounds after getting off a ventilator.
My friend’s uncle getting covid and still going out and infecting his wife and exposing his tenants + her cousin is a covid nurse and said how patients literally will refuse they’re dying from covid till their last breath.
My friend’s deaf grandfather passed away due to covid. They had to say goodbye over FaceTime with written signs
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