The push to rid the nation of the tyranny of public employee unions led by insane radicals is rooted in the reason that even FDR knew to be true, our love for our children, and a desire to save our country.
A majority of Americans increasingly understand that these tired old mantras are completely false and the accusation of sexism and racism are the last weapon of our faltering elites and their radical useful idiot foot soldiers.
Now that the emperors wear no clothes, the next step is legal & activist *action* - to directly deconstruct, both in the public square and by means of law, the structures of power these enemies of the republic now hold. We must save our children from the system these people run.
People must be organized to initiate the counter-revolution. They must be shown that self-governance is still possible & we can throw these corrupt ideologues out of the temple of American education. For that, we need a new caste of dedicated political & cultural leaders.
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