I did a little looking today to gain a better understanding of how the Georgia voting system was supposed to work. Many of you probably already know this but I didn't...This is what I found. #GeorgiaVoters #ElectionIntegrity
In August of 2019 a Judge ordered that Georgia has to have new voting machines up and running in time for the 2020 primary election in March 2020
In March of 2019 Elena Parent argued AGAINST the new voting machines during the HB316 debate. She makes some very good arguments!
In Feb 2020 30,000 new voting machines were shipped across Georgia.
Now that Elections in Georgia will be conducted with a the new voting machines voter education demonstrations appeared in the news on how the new system worked.
All of Georgia’s electronic voting machines were replaced before the March 24 presidential primary. The new voting system uses touchscreens, printed-out paper ballots and ballot scanners.
Georgia experienced major problems with its voting processes during a primary election in June 2020. People waited in line up to eight hours to cast ballots, and poll workers struggled with new machines on which they hadn’t been trained due to the pandemic
If you watch the above video you can see that they were reporting back then it wasn't a good idea & many were giving warnings for them NOT to use these machines. They did it anyway. Where are these people now to support the request to a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT?
Anyway - I just thought all this was important & hoped to to make it easier for someone to gain an understanding of the ground work laid for these machines to be installed. Here's one more video I found interesting. From July 2019
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