How would you like to live next door to this Massive Craftsman in beautiful Boulevard Park, Sacramento? The Cranston-Geary House is listed on the National Register. The home was designed by California's 1st State Architect, George Clinton Sellon, and built in 1909. 1/8
Architect George Sellon was born in 1881, San Francisco. His family moved to Chicago in 1895. There, he graduated from Chicago High School in 1900, went on to study at the Chicago Art Institute & worked w/ Frank Lloyd Wright. The Prairie School Style is strong in this home. 2/8
Sellon was among a group of pros called to rebuild San Francisco after the destructive earthquake & fire of April, 1906. Sellon took a special Pullman train "home" to San Francisco, California. There, he partnered with E. C. Hemmings & in 1907, was appointed State Architect. 3/8
Sellon moved to Sacramento next, and held the position of State Architect until 1909, when he resigned the position due to friction over Sellon taking on private projects "on-the-side." Among these private projects was the design of a home on Lots 142 & 143 in Boulevard Park. 4/8
The home was built for wealthy miner Robert E. Cranston & his wife, Mary. The building cost were first estimated at $11,000, later at $13,000. The final reported cost was $25,000 to buy the lots & build the home. The home was completed, the Cranston's moved in December, 1909. 5/8
They lived there until 1912, when they left town and sold the Massive Craftsman to William F. Geary, wholesale druggist. In the 1990's, Midtown preservationist George Bramson restored the home, and worked to have it placed on the National Register. 6/8
We are so grateful for the work that Bramson did to preserve this home and for his work advocating for historic preservation in Sacramento. We love to admire this grand home from all her angles, and that brings us to the point of this post- the house next door is for sale! 7/8
The house on Lot 141 has a story of her own, she was often filled with music. We will post a bit more about that soon, but for now, check out the listing link & appreciate the interior details. We don't often get to peek inside these beauties! 8/end
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