A brief thread on #RoboDebt and #CashlessWelfare.

There is a misunderstanding, one I harboured myself until recently, about the recent RoboDebt Class Action.

The Class Action is NOT likely the end of the legal road for those of us seeking to hold Government to account.

That #RoboDebt Class Action sought damages for "unjust enrichment" only.

The Govt is protected from any further litigation in respect of "unjust enrichment" but it has yet to be held to account for other grounds.

Those afflicted by #CashlessWelfare - this is for you too!

The Govt has yet to be held to account regarding #RoboDebt-caused:

1. Personal injuries
2. Wrongful deaths
3. Multiple denials and violations of human rights
4. Multiple denials of due process
5. Defamation
6. Other things?

Yes, I will get to #CashlessWelfare victims too!

So I propose that those of us who feel we can do so, should consider legal action over #RoboDebt.

I'm exploring my options.

I suggest we favour individual lawsuits over Class Actions as the latter seem to dilute the grounds to common factors.

To #CashlessWelfare victims:

Just like #RoboDebt victims, #CashlessWelfare victims can also sue.

I can't as I've yet to have that abuse card inflicted upon me.

Like RoboDebt, #CashlessWelfare makes unfair accusations about your character and then illegally reverses the onus of proof.

My #RoboDebt Tweet above in this thread offers a start at some of the grounds #CashlessWelfare victims could start to explore their legal options. https://twitter.com/d_digman/status/1335695917370916864?s=20
I cannot say definitively I will be suing over my #RoboDebt abuse as there are far too many variables.

Will I find the right and affordable legal counsel? Will their advice make it viable to litigate?

But I am exploring my options right now.

I encourage as many of my fellow victims - both of #RoboDebt and of #CashlessWelfare - to explore your options as well.

This Govt has no conscience, no decency, no compassion, no humanity.

The only language they understand is legal & political.

They only grasp consequence.

Let those of us violated by their #RoboDebt & #CashlessWelfare crimes give each & every one of them a taste of CONSEQUENCE!
In so doing, we get not only to protect our own selves, but all the other potential victims of this Government's class warfare!

We can let those in power know they cannot do these things with impunity!

Love and solidarity to you all!
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