1/5 If you aren't heavy $LINK, you're shorting off-chain data making its way on chain. I can't imagine being that short sighted with everything you're seeing unfold in front of you.
2/5 Various #DLT solutions will come and go, but I guarantee you...any/all of them that will be worthwhile will deal with off-chain data. How will they all find truth?
3/5 While you're betting on a long shot to overthrow/replace the entire world's financial system, I'm betting on either outcome with full confidence of the most powerful parts of this technology. At it's heart, #blockchain tech is about interoperability and global efficiently.
4/5 You can choose a dominant chain and I'm sure you'll do quite well, but there will be BLINDING amounts of money that thrive on the fringes of what you think you know and #Chainlink will be there to cater to all of it.
5/5 Owning $LINK is a bet on #smartcontracts succeeding. It's going to happen.
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