Lockdowns are all being based on fatally flawed PCR test - credit to this story to Jeffrey Jaxen - Investigative Reporter.
In January 2020 a German Virologist named Christian Drosten release a paper saying he had a laboratory assay that could detect COVID19 using RT-PCR test.
This paper was published by Euro Surveillance - Europe’s Journal on Infectious Disease Surveillance within 24 hours of being submitted. Papers typically take 97 days to be approved. This paper became the reference point for the WHO to set the PCR test as the testing protocol for
COVID19 labs in Europe and the US. In November 2020 this paper was being contested by some 22 renowned professionals who did a peer review on the paper. They asked EuroSurveillance to do a retraction on the paper. Some key findings were as follows:
1. the PCR test cannot
..discriminate between a whole virus and viral fragments.
2. the test is not validated at a molecular level.
3. the test cannot specifically identify the SARS-COV2 virus and neither can it rule out other corona viruses (ie common cold). There were 10 significant errors in total.
In conclusion they stated that any lab that runs a PCR test at 35 cycles or more (which virtually all the labs in the US and Europe do) then the results have a probability of 97% FALSE POSITIVE!!
They concluded that “we have identified errors and fallacies that render the SARS-COV2 PCR test USELESS!!

This peer review team concluded as follows:
“A decision to recognize the errors in this paper has the benefit to greatly minimize human cost and suffering going forward!”
So the WHO picks up a hastily prepared and poorly concluded scientific paper to set the global standard for COVID testing that is giving 97% false positives.
Global shutdowns are being forced on people as a result of hugely erroneous COVID case counts! The end.
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