I really fail to see how any remotely fair observer could see this 'explainer' as anything other than total guff. It begins by conflating the entire EHRC report with its recommendations in order to suggest that any criticism of anything in the report, at all, is illegal ffs! https://twitter.com/BenPBradshaw/status/1335293795114561543
It then goes on to suggest Corbyn rejected the recommendations (he didn't), that his comment on the exaggeration was prohibited by the report (it wasn't) and that he refused to apologise (he didn't).
Garfield says Corbyn was suspended "for promoting denial of Labour antisemitism". Aside from the fact we still haven't been told exactly what it was for, he very clearly didn't deny 'Labour antisemitism'. That's just a straight lie.
You could go through that thread line by line and document what are, at best, misrepresentations or misunderstandings and, at worst, outright lies. And where do we end up? The Jewish people critical of all this are "fringe far-left groupings" and listening to them is 'racist'.
Whether you agree with the dominant narrative or not, saying that listening to Jewish people who disagree with it is 'racist' is a pretty huge statement. The only reasoning we've given is that they "represent, at best, the opinion of a couple percent of British Jews".
Leaving aside how we know that, or whether we can accept that 'if a majority think something, that is true and correct', that makes what, around 6000 Jewish people whom we are apparently to shun otherwise we're racist?

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