I have a personal take on this...

Unless you are an elected official, affiliated with a political party, NOBODY is a republican or a democrat.

You are simply a fan. You are a citizen, not a politician. Allow me to expand...(thread). https://twitter.com/llinwood/status/1335649996050460672
There are approximately 600,000 elected officials in the US (local, state, etc.). That leaves 326 million of us who are NOT politicians.

If you buy a ticket to a baseball game, does that make you a baseball player?

If you vote for a democrat, does that make you a politician?
The answer is no to both.

You are merely a fan.

The beauty of it is, you can change your team loyalty at any time.

If your team keeps losing, it’s hard to enjoy what they do.

If your team cheats, it’s even harder to want to stay loyal.
It’s time we separate OURSELVES from political affiliations as citizens and fans. To call yourself a republican or a democrat seems silly if you have a day job at an office and a bowling league at night, especially if you don’t participate in politics - except for voting.
Like attending a ball game, voting is just demonstrating your fanhood for a person that will perform the job you expect them to do-whether it’s hitting home runs or passing laws that favor your lifestyle.

Your lifestyle is likely better categorized by “conservative or liberal”.
So to say you’re a Republican because you always vote Republican seems kind of silly if you’re not on the field “playing ball”. Rather, you’re just in the stands cheering or booing.

Per the numbers above, 99.82% of us are not politicians. Therefore you are not Rep or Dem.
You are merely a fan.

On the other hand, we fans also have “team ownership power”....

In a fair system (lol, we’ll get there), we get to select who plays and who gets benched.

That’s what we should ALL be fighting for, no matter who you’re a fan of.
In baseball, if one team was allowed to constantly cheat, and the other team lays down to the cheating, allowing themselves to be robbed of a fair game, wouldn’t you want to do something about it?

What kind of jerk are you if you support a cheating team?
So-maybe-just maybe, we take our time to let DJT pause the game, sort out the inequities, & allow us fans to take control of the field. We buy our “season tickets” with our votes every year, but what good is your ticket if your seat is stolen from you?

Hard to be a fan of that.
I’m hopeful this ideology spreads, because too many of us are calling ourselves ball players, but we don’t have any impact on the game.
Once the game is balanced and fair, your ticket, or vote, will mean so much more. Rewarding cheating with championships is ugly and unfair, right? Why is our presidency any different?

Let go of your labels. You are not a politician. You are a fan. Be a fan of the Truth. #GodWins
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