I really wanna have a conversation about how pervasive this narrative that skinny shaming is an entire concept that exists alongside fatphobia when it's literally just body shaming and not at all on the same page or same experiences, nor does it need to keep being touted as such
Because "skinny shaming" is just "reverse racism, body shape edition."

Like it's not its own thing. It isn't it socially ingrained acceptable behavior that costs people their careers, their lives, their hobbies etc.
Having your body picked apart by bullies is body shaming, period. That includes fat body shapes too. The difference is that fatphobia is here, it's pervasive and literally a part of everything from ableism, racism to transmisia.
So when a fat person is bullied for their body size it isn't isolated. It isn't just people being dicks. There's historical context built up over centuries backing it.

Whereas being skinny? There's none of that. People are just being dicks.
When you essentially insist that skinny people have their own isolated oppression (bc even if you don't use that word, the way y'all talk ab it is as we're oppressed for being skinny) literally diminishes and discredits the experiences of fat people.
And I see people referencing the fact that they've been bullied by fat people and therefore skinny shaming is a thing. That's not how it works. Reverse racism doesn't become legit bc a Black person bullies a white person for being white.
Reverse colorism isn't a thing bc some lightskinned people may have been bullied by darker skinned people at some point.
And that doesn't mean you can't be hurt by it or that it can't be traumatizing because it 100% can! I developed severe body dysmorphia due to the severe and constant bullying and abuse I experienced by others my entire school life.
My view of my self was extremely sabatoged and it's taken YEARS to work through and repair the relationship with myself.

But you know what helped? The fact that my body size is literally validated everywhere. I see people who look like me EVERYWHERE.
I see people praised for looking like me everywhere.

The huge difference here is no matter how many skinny people are body shamed, we still have validation everywhere we turn because the society is fatphobic/fatmisic NOT skinnypbobic.
When fat people are body shamed and fatmisia is behind it, that follows them into other experiences they have navigating life (see thread here: https://twitter.com/tee_spoonie/status/1335647220251693059?s=19 )
My point here is that we can talk about our experiences being bullied and body shamed and the way it has affected our self esteem without bringing up fat people or trying to make it seem like the experiences are the same because they aren't.
They may seem the same at first but that's just surface level. It runs way deep.
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