As a girl who used to date a girl and used ไม่ต้องรู้ว่าเราคบกันแบบไหน (=dont have to know our relation ship is)
to represent my love
At that time, i was so confuse. Why i love a person who is same gender with me? But..i loved her. I really loved her. I wanted to stay w/her. I wanted us to grow tgth. I wanted her to hold me and me hold her. We were so click.i never felt like this before
It felt the same as boys like girls. I was jealous. I wanted to be w/her all the time. We argued about silly things and then made up such as we didnt have time for each other.
But i was too shy to say i have a gf. I dont want to see the face of people when i say that. But i never hide i have a lover. So i told everyone i alrd have a lover but not specific her as faen or gf
This song represented our relationship. I used to sent to her(or maybe she sent to me first, cannt remember)
Every time i hear this song, it reminds me of that time. Time of confusion and shy but it was still a happy time.
It’s not a sad song. It’s a song that cheering me up to accept my feeling. It’s like the first stage of LGBTQ’s relationship song🤣
And gulf give this song to p mew. For me, it’s!
It’s so meaningful more than he give a love song that we knew alrd that they love each other. But this song is lgbtq anthem!! They’re lovers and they want to show us all (not just fc)that they are belong tgth
They are lovers. No one can flirt with my pi/nong!😡
But they just have to avoid conservative society and mass media which i used to do before so i understand them so much.
M&G’ll be a lead actor in other series/lakorn which still have many conservative consumers
You think that Thai are open. It’s not that much. It’s not like hollywood that gay actor can lead and have a wife in series. In Thai, if a person come out, many people will see them as gay in the series even they have a wife in there.
How can i say it🤔
People will not fun with the series cuz they cant believe they love their wife cuz they still think the lead actor is gay even he play his role really great
im fine right now. I alrd know what am i. No confusion, just love and accept it. If i have a relationship with a girl again now, i think this song is not for me at all🤣
I will shout from the rooftop i have a gf~ but before that, let me have p’mew first🥺
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