Dr Molly Weasley FRCP FRCPath, Consultant Haematologist: a thread.
Joint review with the new ST3 on AMU. Turns out the oncology patient referred as ‘?new AML’ was actually on G-CSF post-chemo.
The ANP has returned from a weeks leave, which left the ward in the hands of the SHOs.
The F2 complains that transcribing the blood results into the blood book seems like a waste of time.
Micro when she says a patient can now stop the Meropenem...
...but then there’s talk of Ambisome at the MDT.
Turning up on Monday to find nearly the entire ward has been taken up with medical outliers.
Simultaneous bleeps from the medical SHO and geris F1s at 5PM on a Friday. Due to a shortage of trainees, she is first- and second-on this weekend.
Politely explaining why this patient doesn’t require an ‘urgent bone marrow’ as the vancomycin won’t be helping the neutropenia.
Having a chat to the patient’s dodgy marrow before prescribing the Melphalan.
It’s been 3 months and the SHO still isn’t writing whether the AML patients are NPM1-mutated or not on the handover list.
When the referral says “CT TAP shows lymphoma.”
When the radiologist gives some pushback to the haem reg.
It’s been 3 and a half weeks since the Melphalan and finally counts are returning.
When the SHO says they’re interested in haem as a career...
...but she also hears them say the same thing to Oncology.
Letting her hair down at the xmas do when it’s in-person again.
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