This year I’ve been part of many conversations about society’s current problems and the future we want live in.

Productive dialogues naturally center oppressive systems (white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, authoritarianism, etc) as root causes and how to stop them.
I’ve said this before:

I don’t want to participate in an oppressive system, but I am frequently forced to make decisions related to my well being and that of others which hinge on it.

Virtually everyone participates to some degree today, because our lives depend on it.
So I want to offer a few thoughts for folks as we figure out what exactly has to change...

(and when I say this, I mean going beyond the “destroy the system” conversation into the *details* of what actually has to change)
1) We must do it as a community.

We otherwise run the likely outcome of replicating the harm we are trying to eliminate.

Group learning/discovery and participatory decision making are things we need to start building a muscle for.

(related thoughts in previous thread)
You know that saying, “don’t throw out the baby with the bath water”...?

Well, the group has to come together to discern what is baby and what is bath water.

Which brings me to:

2) We must develop a shared, trusted process to discern what we keep and what we toss.
These conversations can be tricky, though.

To have them successfully, I believe that we need to keep the *limitations of the human body and human behavior* in view at all times.

Because we are unpacking systems of exploitation.

Humans bodies and human actions are their fuel.
3) We have to uncover what mechanisms humans have created that encourage or discourage the worst and best parts of who we are.

Crucially, we have to hone in on the undesirable traits and identify what is innately human (baby), and what are things that exploit them (bath water).
4) From there we can talk about developing solutions that cultivate or reward the best parts of us.

We can talk about how to repair the damage around us, and create incentives for everyone to play a role.
We can talk about the “guardrails” around all of this, and commit to fiercely protecting new systems that allow individuals and communities to actualize into a society that is equitable, diverse, inclusive, and prosperous.

One that honors the value of human life and the planet.
5) The process is equally (if not more) important than the product.

Any long term outcomes where humanity prevails or perishes must account for the speed at which our world changes now.

There’s no going back. Pandora’s box is open.
6) Our new systems *must* be flexible, adaptable.

The WHAT can change at anytime, be different for any person.

The WHY needs to stay consistent and be a shared mission.

The HOW needs to make room for shifts over time.

As we learn, grow, change... the system must change too.
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