Spot the difference.

When ISIS conquered Syrian towns, the first thing they did is get on top of churches and scream “Allahu Akbar” break the cross and vandalize Christian monuments. They chop off heads and ears. They torture and execute civilians.

What did Azeri soldiers do? The same thing.
At least ISIS didn’t claim that they can coexist peacefully with the local population. They have more credibility than Azeris 😂
ISIS also used drugs to enhance performance of their soldiers, they also linked themselves to different factions in order to get more manpower in form of militants. They also used Turkish weapons along with American.

These weapons *miraculously found their way* to them
Don’t forget that when Russia put their jets in the sky a few months ago and went to strike and Al Qaeda faction at their headquarters, they killed over 30 uniformed Turkish soldiers. What were they doing there with Al Qaeda? 👽
During the first few days of Isis conquering villages around Idlib, one of the first war crimes we heard about was the execution of a Syrian grandmother with her granddaughter.

Coincidently, what happened when Azeris entered Artsakh?

Yup. You guess it.
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