“Bitcoin has no use except for speculation by tech bros”. A debunk thread.👇
Bitcoin was used by the Nigerian gender equality protestors to raise 40% of their money when they “noticed bank transactions were being slowed down while its online payment links to facilitate donations had stopped working” https://qz.com/africa/1922466/how-bitcoin-powered-nigerias-endsars-protests/
Bitcoin was used along with gift cards to send remittances to Nigeria to get around a failing currency and capital controls that force people into a disadvantageous government controlled exchange rate https://link.medium.com/KmwLM0z3Zbb 
Number one finance app public company Square bought $50M of Bitcoin because it is an “instrument of economic empowerment” https://squareup.com/us/en/press/2020-bitcoin-investment
Bitcoin was used by Venezuela to settle trades with Turkey and Iran. https://twitter.com/criptobastardo/status/1335448046642061312?s=21
These last two might trigger some Americans, but Iran is a country full of good people that are just trying to survive. Even if we don’t like their leaders, America shouldn’t have the right to economically disable entire countries.
The variety of use cases presented here should make one thing clear: money has infinite uses. Bitcoin is amassing use cases as it becomes money.
A good deal more coverage on human rights usage of Bitcoin is compiled below by @gladstein. 👇 https://twitter.com/gladstein/status/1340836877595594752
You can follow @skwp.
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