Sleeping on it. Thoughts on OU’s 27-14 win over Baylor.

1. Let’s start with the defense. The 2020 Sooners just keep winning the war in the trenches, creating pressure on the QB, disrupting run lanes, and just being plain nasty.

2. Love seeing those hands up knocking down throws
3. When is the last time OU could just toss out not the backup, or the 3rd string guy, but a converted linebacker at free safety and, essentially, not miss a beat? Mad props to our depth, the coaches having them ready to play, and Robert Barnes for stepping up bigtime.
4. You know who is going to be a star? No, Steve, who? D.J. Graham. That’s who.

5. Tre Brown killed a man last night.

6. Charlie Brewer knows more about the grass on Owen Field than the rest of us.

7. Gave Brkic >> John Mayers. Find him on iTunes.

8. Linebackers played ok.
9. Is there a link to the Tre Norwood fan club? I want in.

10. Last year, our offense had struggles in 2 games in particular (not counting LSU). In those games, we found ourselves down 28-3 and 48-23. This year, we were up 10-0. That’s what we’ve been wishing for.
11. The O can’t score 50 every game. And thanks to Grinch, they don’t have to.

12. Rattler misses Stogner. The defenses aren’t as stressed not having to account for 18. I know the OL had some trouble last night. But Stog would’ve changed things a lot, especially on 3rd downs.
13. I’m gonna have to do some research to see where Mundschau’s 12-yard punt falls in OU’s list of all time bad punts. Need to let Brian Shankleford know if he can pop the cork or not.

14. Rattler made more bad decisions with the ball than he has in a while. Not concerned.
15. Hate to lose Beamer, but it was inevitable. Hopefully he does well, and, if we ever lose Riley to the NFL (spoiler: we will), Beamer is our guy. Best of luck! Go get your own staff, though.

16. Wonder if TJ had the hot hand last night. We didn’t get to find out.
17. Not sure I loved out wide receiver rotations, still feel that our best players aren’t touching the ball enough. Wease and Stoops played great last night. Assume Mims was a little shaken up after he got hung out to dry on that crosser. Ready for more Haselwood.
18. Beat West Virginia again like always.

19. Congratulations on the #clinch.

20. Me, realizing the regular season is coming to an end.
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