Ok you guys... I tried this homemade recipe for my dishwasher, put wine glasses in and it made them sparkling ✨ the recipe is:

* Three tablespoons washing soda
* Three tablespoons citric acid (food grade)
* One tablespoon baking soda
* One tablespoon kosher salt
2.) So, I bought all these in bulk on Amazon. What I found also that it cleans your dishwasher itself too.
I read up also on the chemicals they use on dish soap, dish washer soap and soaps. This is what I found: —
triclosan 👈🏼
sodium laureth sulfate

Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal agent. It has been proven that the chemical has an adverse effects on the mitochondria, the powerhouse of our cells in our body. Antibacterial soaps kill the good bacteria in—
5.) It’s an endocrine disruptors.  A number of studies have found that, in rats, frogs and other animals, triclosan appears to interfere with the body's regulation of thyroid hormone, perhaps because it chemically resembles the hormone closely enough that it can bind to its—
6.) — receptor sites. If this is the case in humans, too, there are worries that it lead to problems such as infertility, artificially-advanced early puberty, obesity and cancer.
7.) Not only that it contaminates the ground, water, streams and rivers.

The term word is Antimicrobial resistance which it kills all our good bacteria. Ever wonder why this fad came in to use everything antibacterial?

Antimicrobial Resistant
8.) Other evidence that triclosan interfered with muscle contractions in human cells, as well as muscle activity in live mice and minnows. This is especially concerning given other findings that the chemical can penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream more easily than—
11.) Now... wanna see something unusual? I had this saved awhile back cos I’m bananas about natural -n-homemade things, right?
WHO put out: “Antibacterial soaps currently a huge problem in medicine the WHO calls it a "threat to global health security."

Page can’t be found now
12.) heres the website link that’s no longer available. Screenshot so you can see where it said “drug resistance” which it talked about triclosan and antibacterial soap health risk threat.

👉🏼 https://www.who.int/drugresistance/stag/en/
13.) Lastly, notice how this whole hot mess in Chronological order... The big antibacterial soap started in—
14.) Antibacterial soap made its entrance in 1984, 🤦🏼‍♀️ thanks to David Poshi and Peter Divone, who patented the first antibacterial soap. As a result, most antibacterial soaps contain triclosan, even to this day👈🏼
16.) All Doctors are “Doc in a Box” 🤪that prescribe pills and everything else from Pharma that wanna kill us and keep us sick because of money they make and we wonder why there’s so much cancer & diseases? GoodGawd and yes it’s simple things like soap...GMO & all the other CRAP
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