Here is an idea:
Instead of the press asking the Prime minister if we will go to no deal if the negotiations fail, they ask him if he will resign if negotiations fail.
He was after all, instrumental in taking us down this path from the beginning.
He claimed that this would be easy.
A failure that will do this much damage to the economy should not be framed as something damaging the purse of 60 million people, rather than damaging the job of the guy who got us here.
Surely one of the solutions to being unable to come to a deal is that the Prime Minister resigns and someone else comes in to try and conclude the negotiation.
Even if it is the case that it doesn't happen and the time runs out, putting your career aspirations before your country and damaging it is absolutely a resigning matter.
We've already had Priti Patel and Dominic Cummings walk away from any of their responsibilities, and if the media don't start asking questions and preparing the groundwork, so will he.
One thing we are sure of it that Boris Johnson will not do the honourable thing and has demonstrated little belief that people should be held responsible for their actions in office.
Next time people speak to the government or the Prime Minister about how the deal is going, please assert that the people aren't just innocent bystanders in this and he answers to us.
It should be made absolutely clear in every exchange, this is a failure so large that it will be expected to stand down.
Otherwise 'No Deal' is being presented as something that is going to happen to the people of this country at his whim, and it really shouldn't be.

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