CZ In our home, my 15yo is the Keeper of the Family Recipes. He has some from my side which are centuries old, but he was the first to write them down. And he keeps my wife's family ones, too. He started at age 11, and is transcribing them to the Cloud for posterity.
CZ This was appreciated by my niece and nephews as a good idea years ago. But what makes me happiest is they started asking him for one or two of them. As you get older, you appreciate these meals for what they do, and the brood is old enough now to wake up to that.
CZ "You should try my grandmother's pierogi." Okay. "Hey, can I get that recipe?" That's exactly how traditions should work, and they work most efficiently with food.
CZ No one was writing these down, and after my mom is gone, they're GONE. Same situation my wife recognized. So we got the grandmas together, turned the kitchen over to them and my 15yo studiously wrote down every ingredient and step. Gołąbki, bracciole, borscht, lasagna, klopsy.
CZ As I hoped, family members on both sides are pinging my 15yo. My wife's family is best, because they use him to settle arguments. "Do you put onions in that or not?" "Is it a quarter cup or half of cream?" And in an Italian family, the arguments get pretty intense.
GP Tell him to be very careful because The Clown tries to run away when I cram manila file folders up inside him for safe storage. Best to tranq dart The Clown from a distance then upload the file.
CZ The only reason I got on Twitter is because I thought you were napping from pain killers.
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