Dear @PhilipPullman, I was very disappointed to hear you describe me as a 'hateful voice'. Given that you don't know me, I thought I'd introduce myself. I am a trained teacher of special needs who has 30+ yrs experience with vulnerable, and sometimes very challenging children
in scenarios that you & most authors would probably not survive a day in. I have an exemplary record in schools in this, and as a visiting author. I have also got a late autism diagnosis & have raised an asc son to adulthood as a single parent of 3, with all the accompanying
difficulties such things bring. Last year I wrote a very sweet picture book (have you read it?) which encourages very young ch. to love their young bodies. This book is incredibly inclusive & is as important for ch. with physical challenges as it is for those who may experience
discrimination due to skin colour or for those who live in same-sex households. The book was published by @Transgendertrd an organisation reputable enough to give evidence in the recent Keira Bell case in the high court
( have you been following that?) I wrote the book with
Jessica Ahlberg, whom I'm assuming you must tar with the same hateful brush. I get nothing from the sales of the book. I did not write it to further my career (ha!) or to earn money, I wrote it because I believe in a 'watchful waiting' rather than an 'affirmation' approach.
A considered difference of opinion over treatment pathways, if you will. Given that nearly 40% of the children who are referred to GIDS show strong autistic traits, I feel that I am allowed to have an opinion on this issue. For my sins I have been openly bullied & my reputation
smeared by a handful of authors.Your friend CV even tried to curtail my already low income. Mostly these allegations were made from behind a block. I have never responded publicly to their claims about me, nor have I stooped low with claims as to their motives for doing so.
I have remained polite throughout. You are welcome to trawl my (open)timeline to search for examples of hateful conduct.
You can follow @RooneyRachel.
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