1/ This is a completely dishonest account of the events that led us to this point, but (I will give Barrister's Horse this) cleverly crafted. At each stage, the pathway is misrepresented to blame remainers for the catastrophe that is about to be inflicted on the UK by leavers. https://twitter.com/BarristersHorse/status/1335418394817011712
2/ For example, in tweet 5 we are told that the Benn Bill was 'allegedly' drawn up by EU lawyers. Nice conspiracy theory. Which EU lawyers?

What is the argument against the content of the bill (none presented that I can see)?
3/ In tweet 6 the issues surrounding prorogation are completely misrepresented. It was a deliberatey antidemocratic attempt to suppress Parliamentary debate on the most important issue of the age and found illegal by the Supreme Court (but, hey, Barister's Horse knows better?).
4/ In 7 we are told that Bercow was drunk on power and "puce with rage". No bias evident here. 🤦‍♂️
5/ Tweet 8 completely twists Labour's position. It's also false to say that a second referendum was unpopular in the population (the majority of whom voted for people's vote-supporting parties in 2019).
6/ Tweet 9 repeats the falsehood that all the Tories want is a Canada-style deal. What has been demanded is much more, for example with respect to services. There is no acknowledgement that, from (apparently evil) EU side, this makes no sense whatsoever because.....,
7/ ...the reality is that the EU exists to protect the interests of its member states (who knew?). How on Earth could it be in the interest of those states to allow the UK complete free access to their market while undercutting EU producers?
8/ Later we are told that the EU exploited the UK's weakness with respect to NI. Reality - these issues are real, not invented or imagined. They were raised by Blair and Major before the referendum, by EU in its negotiating mandate at the outset, and by US politicians now.
9/ In short, the issues surrounding Ireland and the GFA are egregiously and mandaciously misrerpresented without any acknowledgement of the history of Ireland or the wishes of the Irish people on either side of the border, or Johnson's false promises.
10/ Barrister's Horse says, "They [remainers] are the reason we're in this mess & I bet once again their loyalties will be to the EU instead of the UK" so let me be clear:
11/ Anyone who thinks that loyalties should be based on accidents of birth must presumably think that good Germans should have been loyal to the Nazis, or that good Serbs should have been loyal to Milosevitch and his murderous crew. My loyalties are based on values.
12/ My values are for peace and prosperity amongst the nations of Europe, shared projects for the common good, shared, maximum opportunities for our children and liberal values over petty nationalism (which historically has ALWAYS led to misery and very often bloodshed).
13/ So, yes, my loyalties are far greater to the EU (despite ist undoubted flaws and limitations) than the lying, nationalist, racist bastards who are wrecking the UK at the moment, for whom Barrister's Horse is a despeciable apologist.
14/ Finally, the actual reality about Brexit can be much more succintly expressed, and with much less sophistry, than in this clever drivel by Barrister's Horse. Yesterday I expressed this reality by pointing to three fundamental truths. https://twitter.com/RichardBentall/status/1335203146113683456?s=20
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