An important thread:

The following screenshot highlights why we should care about the removal of “blind playthrough” as a tag on Twitch. Not that the thing itself is important but it shows a dangerous response we now habitually have, and even more how inconsistent we are... 1/X
...with that response. That screenshot is a real response. And it’s sincere. And the person is well intentioned. I don’t want people to think I’m mocking an attempt at kindness. It’s familiar. But I want us to see why it’s dangerous as a common response... 2/X
and why it’s something that can’t be used as a REASON to change the words we use. Offense and hurt cannot be the only gauge. It has to be put through a bit more of a filter than “does it sincerely hurt or offend a person?” You want an example of how this rule isn’t... 3/X
applied fairly? NP. You ever make or laugh at a Christian Minecraft Server joke? Or ever say the words “Jesus Christ” on stream? You may not know it but there is a group of people who find that deeply offensive. Have you ever considered changing your vocabulary to prevent... 4/X
offense? Probably not. Why? Because in that case you are applying another set of rules. It certainly is REAL offense and valid feelings. It mocks something they see as unchangeable about themselves. If you deny that you are guilty of exactly what you say those complaining 5/X
about the removal of the “blind playthrough” tag are. But you are ok with offending that group of people, or you were unaware. So you get two options now that you know it hurts others: 1. Change your speech. 2. Come up with a rule set that applies universally whenever... 6/X
... anybody is offended. “Is this a reasonable offense or does it have specific context that makes the the offense unreasonable?” The blind play through tag isn’t the actual problem, the problem is that we don’t have a consistent way we take care of the feelings of others. 7/X
Our current “change if it offends people or you are hateful” is childish. It’s well intentioned but cannot be applied universally. It either needs to be abandoned as a response or refined by another set of rules. A second question after “it causes offense.” 8/X
Im ok being offended. I don’t expect people to change their speech when it offends me. I’m not a child who can’t process mockery. When people offend others their should be social repercussions. But not all offenses are as valid as each other and shouldn’t be treated that way. 9/9
And to preempt the rebuttal that the example is a bad one... that would show to me you don’t know what a sincere believer thinks about the nature of their belief and would reveal another inconsistency in anyone who complains about that. 10/9
I also understand this tweet will get clogged with jokes. That’s ok. But if someone wants to complain about those and not address the actual tweet thread... like last time, you are willfully ignorant. Like last time. 11/9
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