I will never stop being disappointed in the American socialists and other progressives who line up to defend the Chinese governmental establishment against critique.

For one, the defenses are racist.

They erase who Chinese people are, which is *diverse* and not monolithic.
No matter what the CCP tells you:
— Chinese people come from several ethnicities
— they speak a lot of languages (“dialect” is a political framing designed to disappear these differences)
— there is extreme economic inequality in China due to *capitalism*
— Taiwan is independent
At the end of the day some of you are revealing yourselves to be tankies. You support authoritarianism as long as it claims to be communist. Doesn’t matter if it is actually communist, really, as long as it isn’t American. It’s racist in its essentialism and totally violent.
China is an imperial state like so many other global world powers and the idea that they can’t be because they’re not white is so racist.
The movement in Hong Kong is also complex. Yes there are capitalists in the mix. Yes some people latched onto Trump. There were also pro-democracy, anti-racist and radical anarchist people in the mix. Stop simplifying that which cannot be simplified.
I'll just add that it's not particularly pro-indigenous to be pro-China since one of the CCP's major projects has been to culturally homogenize and erase and colonize indigenous cultures. Those of us in the US should be familiar with that phenomenon.
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