I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. My friend from college posted something sweet on IG about the ornaments she has collected through out her 11 year marriage. It was a beautiful post praising God for his faithfulness and appreciating her husband for being a good one.
Throughout the post she mentioned how she struggled with sharing this because of her friends who haven’t been as blessed in their marriages or relationships. She has mentioned this often in her posts. She is one of the most thoughtful girls.
This got me thinking. If you have a great marriage please don’t be afraid to rejoice in that! My friend has mourned with me in my divorce and it is such a pleasure to rejoice with her in her marriage. Don’t be afraid to honor your spouse on social media
I love seeing people who are happily married! It gives me hope that there are good relationships out there. I’m so thankful for my kids to be around them too. Your happy marriage is encouraging. Don’t feel bad about sharing it.
If you’re single/divorced and grieving I am right there with you. It is hard feeling ugly, unwanted, and not enough. The truth is those are lies and that is not reality! It may feel that way but there is a beauty and blessing in singleness.
I was in a relationship with my ex husband for 14 years. It was half of my life. I had never really been single until 3 years ago when we separated. Let me tell you, being single is so much better than being in the type of marriage I was in.
My marriage was life sucking and I lost who I was. In my singleness God has been growing me and showing me who I am in Him. It’s been the hardest most heartbreaking season but the most beautiful one too. I was never enough for my ex but God loves me so much and is so faithful.
While singleness is hard it could also be a protection from being abused in an awful marriage. There are lessons to learn in every season and I know God is teaching us all something in either our singleness, good marriages, or bad marriages.
I think one of the best ways to find contentment in the season we are in is rejoicing with those who have the exact thing we want most. It’s hard but it’s a good practice and it takes our minds off ourselves and helps us to think about others.
Take heart! There is hope for a happy and fulfilled life and you can have it now! It’s not found in a romantic relationship with another person. It’s found in our relationship with God and with those around us. God is so faithful! Others won’t always be but He is!!
Don’t feel bad grieving what needs to be grieved. Give it to the Lord but I also encourage you to practice rejoicing and praising God for what he has given you even in the middle of your grief. It’s hard but that practice helped me so much over the last 3 years.
You are enough because Jesus is enough! You are loved and cherished. Your worth isn’t based on what you’ve done or who loves you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You can live a happy and fulfilled life that is not based on another person...
...if God ends ups sending another person to share life with that’s great and wonderful! But your worth and happiness is not dependent on that. Don’t cut yourself short!! Have a happy and encouraged day! Find someone to rejoice with! 💕
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