1/ OK, I tried to hold off on tearing this survey apart but...nope. Right off the bat, it screams HI, I’M MEANINGLESS. We get 1 survey *per family* per school. What if you have more than 1 kid & they’re having v. different experiences? What about HS students w/ lots of teachers?
2/Fun fact: as I was reading this survey, one of my kids wandered by, read over my shoulder, and asked if this was re: them or their sibling. Just so we’re clear, someone who routinely puts their own pants on backwards found the glaring flaw in this survey in under 30 seconds.
3/I *think* this is the dumbest question. Again, BPS wants one survey response per family & school, right? Well, one of my kids is autistic & the other isn’t. Do I flip a freakin’ coin to see who I respond for? And OK, say you ARE answering for just one kid...
4/...lumping all tech together is just asinine. Maybe Zoom breakout rooms are are great but STMath is hard to navigate. Maybe Clever logs them out for no reason, but getting written feedback in realtime on Google Docs is a gamechanger. Furthermore…
5/...there's no way to indicate how much of the difficulty they might be having is due to issues with internet or tech devices. For a district so anxious to be seen as “anti-racist”, you’d think “Can you access the technology you need?” would warrant its own question. But, nah.
6/ Speaking of performative anti-racism, there are 3 weird questions re: how well your kids' teacher(s) talk to them about race.

There are ZERO questions about whether or not you would want your child to return to their school building now if that were an option.
7/ This is relevant b/c of the loud-ass narrative re: needing to reopen buildings for the benefit of Black & Brown kids despite data showing that many of their families would choose to stay remote. As ever, @Theresa_Chapple's been on this from the start. https://twitter.com/Theresa_Chapple/status/1320061447322423298
8/ And there’s a long, exquisitely detailed question about all the ways remote learning is ruining your family, and if by chance they left something off the list, you get the *one and only* actual text box to elaborate on what else you hate! Woo hoo!
9/ Here’s what you don’t get: any place at all to indicate what IS working. Anywhere to say what HAS improved since the spring. I get that Baker & BCass want to reopen buildings like wicked-super-omg-so-much, but honestly, I look at this survey and what it says to me…
10/ ...is that they don’t actually give a shit about my kids or anyone else’s. If COVID rates continue to rise exponentially & it’s unquestionably unsafe to reopen buildings, *they don’t care about what’s working.* I see a survey designed by ppl who WANT remote learning to fail…
11/...and then I look at the Herculean efforts of teachers & paras & support staff & families all trying so hard to help kids not just learn but BE OK during a terrifying pandemic barely mentioned once in the entire survey. And I know damn well who actually cares about my kids.
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