Amazing to have 100s of people people and the Minister @CPhilpOfficial join our online #RefugeesStillWelcome assembly today
“We can choose to show hospitality. We have room at our table to continue to welcome those seeking sanctuary - to sit with us as equals.” @Nuryakeen @CitizensUKBham #RefugeesStillWelcome
Wonderful to recap the history of the #RefugeesWelcome movement including the leadership of Jewish communities with actions during the festival of Succot in 2015 #RefugeesStillWelcome
‘As a nation, we could become known for welcoming refugees’ @BishopPaulB reflecting on refugee resettlement #RefugeesStillWelcome
“They say it takes a village to raise a child - and it takes dozens of cities, towns and villages in every part of the UK to resettle 20,000 refugees.” @Nuryakeen

Wonderful roll call of people welcoming refugees from every part of the country!
Good to hear from @CPhilpOfficial that within 3 months the Home Office hopes to meet the 20,000 refugees resettled target #RefugeesStillWelcome
Our co-chair Khadeja: “I don’t feel that I am in a foreign village, it feels like our village in Syria. The village celebrates Eid with us, and we celebrate Christmas with the village.” #RefugeesStillWelcome
Ali Mirzo: “I often speak to Community Sponsorship Groups with Citizens Cymru Wales, and I take them food as well. I think my food has inspired many Welsh people to decide to sponsor a Syrian family!” 🥘
Wonderful thread on our awards for Outstanding Refugee Contribution to the Fight Against Covid-19’ awarded by @CPhilpOfficial
Brilliant to hear from @ParryBronwyn Vice Principal (Service) @KingsCollegeLon “We're excited not just about sponsoring a family but also being exemplars to the rest of the university sector to play a key role in the future of refugee resettlement.” #RefugeesStillWelcome
Incredible news from @ShapiroFound - a new £1m Community Sponsorship Backstop Fund to massively reduce the risk for groups to sponsor refugee family. 🎉
Really important and reassuring commitment from the Minister @CPhilpOfficial MP that ‘refugee resettlement will continue beyond the 20,000 target being met’ #RefugeesStillWelcome

We are looking forward to working together to make this a reality
🏆 Richly deserved Local Authority award to @LewishamCouncil @kevinbonavia - not only resettling refugee families but going above and beyond to galvanise other Local Authorities to follow suit
🏆 Well deserved lifetime achievement award to Barbara Wilson from @CatholicBrixton and @LambethCitizens for years of public service and leading a team that is supporting 28 refugee families in Lambeth 🎉
Important message from Barbara: ‘we have come a long way and there is more to do done - both resettlement and walking with migrants already in our communities’
Important words from @MKemple from @RefugeeAction about the need for us to hold the government to account and uphold our moral duty to those seeking sanctuary on our shores

Read about the Stand Up For Asylum campaign
Amy, a teacher in Oxfordshire, reminds us of the important role that schools play in supporting those seeking sanctuary, teaching children about migration and taking action to make their communities more welcoming.

Learn about Refugees Welcome Schools:
And our assembly is closed bilingulaly by Khadeja:

“If we want to know what humanity means we need to look at you and to the good people around you.

You give us the peace and the love. You give us the hope and the vision for a new step in our lives.” #RefugeesStillWelcome
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