okay, i’m going to share what I feel about the award “Best Male Dance Performance” in the recent award show MAMA 2020.

oki soo hopefully this doesn’t cause any misunderstandings or fanwars or something
How was I able to say it’s unfair?

Because it’s about performance and the winner was based off votes. Obviously, BTS has the upper hand when it comes to popularity. That’s what makes it harder for other fandoms to catch up. Don’t even say that other fandoms didn’t work hard ++
or they didn’t do their best, in fact, everyone did their best. however, it was clearly seen that the decision was biased. I am not saying that BTS does not deserve the award. Of course everyone deserves to win also. It’s just that popularity seemed to take over the said category
As a performer who has tried competing in competitions (dance) a criteria. A CLEAR AND REASONABLE one is always evident or present. There are factors to determine the best or the winner of a competition.
Don’t get me wrong. All artists are deserving and talented. That’s a given. However, there are times when selfishness takes over us. The greed and desire of wanting to win such awards.
My point is, the criteria should have been clearer when it came to choosing the winner. Popularity shouldn’t be the basis of a category like “Best Dance Performance”.
Having judges that actually know about performance especially in the field of dancing would be more reasonable. In fact that means that the winner would make more sense. *again this is not to attack any groups*
having a judge and a clearer criteria means :

-more fair results
-makes more sense
you see, BTS have great choreographies and performances. But it’s not like they’re the only ones that have great ass or high leveled or standardized choreographies. If you actually think about it, when it comes to those things, they are at the same levels.
However, it’s hard to determine whoever is better because they have different styles. Each group has different styles and their own uniqueness to it. that’s why it’s hard to determine.
the eye of someone who knows how to judge is needed. dance isn’t just dance. dance has a lot of factors before you can say it’s great. OKAY THIS SHOULDNT OFFEND OR ATTACK ANYONE OMG OKAY. But the audience sees it different from the performers and choreographers.
i know this because a performer would know their mistake during a dance. a choreographer would see the mistake. while the audience has a little possibility on seeing that unless it was a huge mistake.
I’d like to address this specific issue that happened prior to MAMA 2020. An issue got out that SEVENTEEN didn’t deserve to win this award.
To be more honest, Seventeen actually also deserves that award. Yes hard choreography doesn’t always mean it’s impressive. Hard choreography doesn’t necessarily means that it’s the best.
a lot even had the guts to say that none of svt’s stages impressed him or her. and that it’s the way how this group can dominate a whole stage having a few members compared to svt who looks like a bunch of back up dancers
They also said that since SEVENTEEN had more members, it was easier to cover up mistakes. okay you guys are honestly clowning urselves. Here’s the thing having more members means more difficulty to make a choreography look good.
No offense BUT IT HAS TO BE SAID. It’s honestly very frustrating and irritating to see how people think they know so much about dance when in fact they don’t. One of the problem is that, people do not know how to keep their mouths shut in the time of threat.
Have you actually asked yourself what you know about dance? how can you judge a group when you’re selfish and close minded? Have you ever thought of that?
Choreographies are never easy to judge. Don’t think that I’m being a “know-it-all” right now because I tried competing. I have been dancing for quite a while now and I know what it’s like to be judged by professionals.
The fact that you have the guys to do things like bringing down a group because you felt threatened, and bash them for having “not impressive” choreographies. I CALL ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT:)
Why judge a group’s performance with the standards that YOU YOURSELF SET UP?
Having harder choreographies with more members means more time for POLISHING the dance. There’s A LOT MORE GOING ON than fewer members.
I have been part of a team that competed in competitions. our team consisted of 15 members. We had a hard and difficult routine. IT TOOK US A LONG TIME TO CLEAN ONE SONG OUT OF 7 SONGS in the routine. When our dance came out, it wasn’t the cleanest.
Having more members isn’t exactly an advantage for choreographies. I’m just saying that having less members is easier to deal with.
Dance isn’t something that’s easy to deal with. A lot is required to actually be good at it. Just like any other sport or talent like singing. Awards like these are supposed to be given to those who fit the criteria. What happened? What happened to the system when it was fair ?
Both are great groups, minus popularity SVT and BTS are on the same level. GO HATE ME IF YOU WANT BUT YOU HAVE TO ACCEOT THE TRUTH.
Okay so i’m not saying this because I’m looking for fanwars.
MAMA is supposed to be fair because they look for the best of the best among categories. But how will it be fair if the whole thing si based off voting?
Have you realized that if these categories are based off voting, why bother have a period of time for voting when we know who will win?
like why bother having an award show when it’s all about popularity? I mean like won’t that be a waste of time?
It takes so much time to master, complete, and clean a choreography. All srtists and groups deserved to be recognized for their hardships and efforts. and having popularity as the basis? i’m sorry, that’s like disregarding other artists’ efforts too.
This is to all fans, yes we want our favorite artists to win. that’s a great achievement for both the artists and group.
but instead of voting them just for that sake, can we instead look at others as well? Close-mindedness, selfishness and irrationality lead to fanwars. There is conflict because people chose not to listen.
honestly, if it was allowed to give all groups awards then give it to them. they all deserve it anyways. yes losing RATIONALLY AND REASONABLY means that you learn how to work harder. but losing because of shallow reasons? I don’t think so.
It’s really disappointing to see how huge award shows are biased. Back in the past days, MAMA’s winners were very clear and reasonable. i actually think that no one, or if not, only a few people contradicted the results
Correct me if i’m wrong, there is really nothing wrong with BTS. They’re really doing great. Knowing how far they’ve come right? But that doesn’t mean that they have to win everything. I’m not saying they should stop winning.
I’m not gonna stay silent about this issue because it’s quite irrational if you actually think about it. Not all categories should be based off on voting.
Many fandoms get discouraged or lose hope for their artists because of the toxicity of the whole fandom community. Many cannot stand this toxicity (yes i am part of those ppl that wont tolerate it)
Yes it’s nice. It feels good to win. But no when it’s unreasonable.
guys am I still making sense? HAHAHAHAH SOMEONE TELL ME CAUSE I’M SCARED
There is completely, NO POINT of comparing groups with two different styles if the ones comparing do not have the same standards or factors to base it off on.
Maybe we have to start accepting the truth that some people are better than us when it comes to certain aspects. Accepting will lead us to respect and peace. Don’t you want that? Imagine having a fair system. Imagine having no fanwars because it’s exactly fair.
So what if you lose? It’s not like you lose everything. There’s a next time to try until they can.
What if the issue was capitalism? money. they go to those who will profit them more. then that’s not recognizing talent. you’re using people. getting them engaged to work harder for money. Where’s the recognition of talent in that?
Talent isn’t something to be defined by fame. Fame will never ever define talent. Just because a person isn’t as well known as the other doesn’t mean they’re not capable of similar things.
now if they were actually scared of being attacked by the fandoms, why would they be? i mean like they’re the ones hosting and everything. And if the fandom complains how this group doesn’t deserve the award, it’s so immature of them to think about it that way.
To whoever finds this thread biased, irdc. go ahead and fight me or comment whatever you think. I wouldn’t be bothered about defending what I stand for.
The first thing that caught my attention with SVT was really their synchronization. Synchronization is so hard to achieve. synchronization alone can’t make a dance look good however dance will never look good without synchronization.
kpop does not revolve around BTS. kpop has so much great artists that deserve those wins too. There are so much groups who are on the same level, but why does it seem like all other groups are overshadowed when it comes to things like these?
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