The Rose of Sharon went into receivership when builder ran into financial difficulty. The Korean-Canadian community raised $3.5 M but Rykka outbid them. Now all that stands in their way is transfer of license. Will Ontario hand over another LTC to Rykka? After all we’ve learned?
At Rykka facility Hawthorne Place, 43 residents died in spring and report showed a near 100% contamination rate for equipment, patients and facility, forceful feeding causing audible choking, patients crying for help unanswered for hours.
RT if you’re outraged by the long-term care COVID crisis in Ontario. RT if you care about elderly people, the people who raised us. RT if you don’t want Toronto to lose a crucial, singular, unique home in Toronto for the Korean-Canadian community to Rykka, of all operators.
What can you do? Email @DrFullertonMPP @fordnation @celliottability and your own MPP. And follow others who have been doing this work for years, now leading an organized, last-ditch effort. Save the Rose of Sharon @pcho1973 @KoreanLTC @elainesong
PS @KoreanLTC has DMs open if you want to learn more
You can follow @HannahSung.
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