It’s been a funny old year. Here are ten things that have brought a smile to my face in 2020. Thread.
Discovering Dion via @Andr6wMale's introduction in MOJO magazine. His music is now the official Sunday soundtrack in our household.
A subscription to @WofInteriors. I was a window dresser for many years so it fulfils a desire for aesthetic beauty trapped inside the rib cage. I could never afford to buy anything in there so reading it is an act of pure escapism. Des Esseintes eat your heart out.
Since January I have been locked away writing a music book for @WhiteRabbitBks. It has been a joy to work with editor @leebrackstone whose boundless enthusiasm has carried many of us through 2020. He is a superstar.
After 14 years of academia I have left for new shores. It has been a privilege to study/teach for so long. Didn’t go to uni until I was 30, but forever grateful for the experience. Special thanks to the lovely staff & students I have worked with since 2006. It’s been a blast.
One place I have missed more than anywhere is @thetradesclub. Sending love to Mal & Sarah & all of the team who have worked tirelessly to keep this special venue afloat. Managed to sneak in to watch @work1ngmensclub film Later with Jools. It was fab.
Back in February one of my poems appeared on an album by @smaggheandcross (1819). It was recorded a few years ago at Air Edel on Baker St. Apparently it sounds a bit like Coil but I think I sound more like Lucifer. Result! It’s on vinyl and everything.
In the absence of human company, Cliff has been my constant companion. He is a wilful and affectionate old fella. Don’t know what I’d do without him.
Last but not least, although we’ve struggled with a tiny house and too many books, not a day has gone past without @BenMyers1 making me roar with laughter. After 14 years he’s still keeping me entertained. He’s the finest (& hairiest) Capricorn in town.
/ FIN / 🙏
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