Unpicking how climate variation (temperature, humidity, rainfall) drives peaks and troughs of infectious diseases is tricky. So many things are seasonal, so everything goes up and down at once. So how can we know what causes what? Working with @ayesha_s_m...
... @rebaker64 came up with a mechanistically rooted statistical way to address this with chicken-pox data, using simulations to ground results: http://tigress-web.princeton.edu/~wenchang/pub/climate_and_disease/papers/Baker_2018.pdf
A lynchpin is accounting for susceptible individuals. Even if the climate is perfect for transmission, an infection cannot spread if no one is susceptible. Depletion of susceptibles alongside changes in seasonal drivers (climate, human behavior...) drives (multi-) annual cycles.
An important thing to keep in mind here is that this also allows build-up of susceptibles to these infections - so potentially laying the ground for larger outbreaks of e.g., RSV in the future
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