Communism and socialism are not the same thing.

And while some of the early Civil rights leader promoted “socialism.”

They had a problem w/ communism. In Dr. King’s 1952 letter he praised one blasted the other.
But we are in 2020
Socialism as they discussed it were a way to address African American’s second class status and be part of the economic system that was denying AA fair housing, education and a living standard

That was the theory. But in the many years since and where socialism was practiced ..
It became the government who denied BIPOC or ethnic minorities equal participation in the economic systems.

A government system that has not addressed racial inequalities just build it into their
The people who jump into Black and Brown people’s threads to promote what they think is revolutionary thinking- fail on basic follow up.

They have a dinner party surface level of education on this matters and think we have less as Blck and Brn ppl.
We have context and nuisance often they they failed to consider. And in many ways their treatment of us when they talk to us - is Exhibit A of why a system with them at the top would fail.

Trump is Exhibit B
Trump refused help to Puerto Rico and send our money to farmers to make them whole in a crisis he created
A person who believe the government having the ultimate primacy in our economic system - automatically makes it more equally and efficient - has a fairy tale bigger than Santa Clause.

There is evidence in 2020 that didn’t exist in the 1960s that isn’t going to work
I have presented evidence to ppl w/ roses in their profile that their favorite example country is more Center left than they thought. Evidence provided by the prime minister themself or the papers of record for that country. To hear what do they know
I am kind of exhausted having conversations with people whose Ideology is built on a false premise.

That is a lot of twitter. I should be able to give an entrance exam for my threads - that would save me some sanity
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