Your support for Trump’s crimes against humanity by caging and separating babies from mothers is not erased by a glib, misleading tweet. Your party held a vote in the White House to cage children and rip them from their parents. It is inhumane and unAmerican.
Obama’s administration built the cages to hold unaccompanied children for up to 72 hours for their protection until they were released to Health and Human Services for safety and placement. Trump seized kids from parents, separated them, and caged them as a deliberate policy.
“The separation of migrant children from their parents, sometimes for months, was at the heart of the Trump administration’s assault on immigration.”
IG Report:

“The department’s single-minded focus on increasing prosecutions came at the expense of careful and effective implementation of the policy, especially with regard to prosecution of family-unit adults and the resulting child separations,” the draft report said.
This IG Report explains how Obama’s careful approach devolved into Trump’s inhumane seizing of babies and caging them for months.
The Obama administration‘s policy was intended to find parents and unite them with their children. The Trump administration‘s policy was to deliberately separate parents from children to cause terror in both.
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