Before y’all try to slander the Black community for being hesitant and refusing to trust a “vaccine” that’s put out by the government, we should first unpack the VALID generational trauma of why that untrustworthiness exist. Especially after the Tuskegee Experiment.
Trauma can most definitely be generational, but it just doesn’t sit right with my spirit how y’all try to make the black community out to be bad for not wanting to take a rushed vaccine when it usually takes YEARS for one to develop....and even then it has side effects.
We all know that medically, what may work for other ethnicities and races may not work for our health spectrum in the black community. So much needs to be addressed before we, as people, can even have an ounce of trust of what’s being given to us. QUESTIONS NEED TO BE ASKED.
Don’t slander my people for having so many questions and not enough answers concerning this vaccine. Especially for the distrust to blindly take a vaccine when history shows how that’s bitten us in the ass. The black community has valid concerns that NEEDS to be answered.
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