Thoughts on BLM, a thread;
1/ I understand and I agree that Black Lives Matter, though I don’t agree with the communist BLM organisation. Black people are not the only ones facing injustices as most people believe
2/ Jews are being slaughtered in Israel, Whites in South Africa and the Middle East & Muslims in China - these issues must be addressed because they tend to formulate an equilibrium with the number of black people murdered in America, of which are predominantly caused by
3/ black on black gang crime, this isn’t a problem with black people, of course - it’s a problem with the 1994 crime bill, backed by biden, of which ensured black incarceration raised by 60%, thus solidifying the unscrupulous truth that black children grow up without fathers and
4/ educational choice, instead being raised into poverty and disobedience to the law. This has been, fortunately, minimised with new legislation such as school choice and the first step act, with the executive order funding black schools and with the delivery of the lowest
5/ black unemployment rate in U.S history thanks to the president, however that could soon change - hopefully not though. BLM don’t stand for these things, they stand for destruction of businesses and police forces - including black-owned businesses.
6/ ALM stands for the protection of black businesses and rights, as well as support for injustices in foreign nations. WLM stands for neo-nazism and white supremacy of which I, pertinently, do not condone.
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