Undivided Medinipur one of the most Important Regions of West Bengal. Nandigram Marked the Beginning of the End of 34 Years Left Front Rule in WB. Some People tries to Draw a Similarity with Present Scenario as Suvendu Adhikari probably will leave TMC. (1/n)
Suvendu Adhikari is the Undisputed Leader of this Region. As Rajib Banerjee put it, His Departure will create a Vacuum in TMC. But Suvendu is Delaying too much to take Decision. This has already started damaging his Credibility & Image. His Supporters are in Dilemma (2/n)
I know 2-3 Leaders in North Bengal who were thinking of Joining Suvendu but now they have decided not do so. TMC got time to Pacify these people due to the Delay.

Tomorrow Mamata Banerjee has a Public Meeting in Medinipur. Suvendu wants to get Suspended from TMC. But Didi won't do that Mistake. It'll be Interesting to see whether Didi will send any message to him or not through her speech. (4/n)
But I'll suggest her not to say anything against Suvendu right now

Another Thing is parallelly going on. Ex CPM Minister Susanta Ghosh returned to his old Bastion today. He's one of the very few LF leaders left who has a Mass Following. The More LF grows, BJP will go down (5/n)
Adhikari Family has always been the Anti Left Face in Medinipur since many Decades. Now, all the LF votes have shifted to BJP. Needless to say, a major Chunk among them won't like to vote BJP as their Biggest Enemy Suvendu is here (6/n)
Sushanta Ghosh can take this Advantage. If Sushanta Ghosh runs a Good Campaign in Medinipur, BJP will be in a Trouble.

Didi should directly attack Sushanta tomorrow to make the Narrative TMC v CPM. Moreover, it'll make TMC cadre energized as they have unfinished business with him.

END. (8/8)
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