i'm aware that we see things differently, Alpha

what matters to me is making things better; at this level of analysis, "cope" is whatever allows you to avoid the hard work of making things better

>> https://twitter.com/AlphaMinus2/status/1335549595804372992
there is a higher level of analysis on which the whole game ("good life", meaning, fun, god, making things better, w/e) is just a desperate cope of conscious replicators trapped in the cruel joke of existence

i'm well aware of this

i understand that the game of life is a game, embedded in what can be understood at a more fundamental level of analysis

but here's the thing, i am forced to either play the game, or rope, right?

and while i'm alive, i can basically play in two ways:

i can run around & be like, "noo guys life is meaningless, stop having fun, stop creating meaning, it's a cope bro, you gotta be all mopey and miserable like me nooooo"

or i can have fun

guess which one gets you laid more
the rope is a completely valid option, but i can do you one better: i have the power (YMMV) to make my life so good that each day, the prospect of living out the rest of my days is better than roping

and the best part is, if that stops being true, i can always rope, any time
it makes sense to call all that "cope", at the most fundamental level of analysis

but i'm aware of what i'm doing, as much as you are

you think you win by not getting "tricked" into having fun & constructing meaning

but the only prize you win is clinical depression, my friend
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