Still seeing the distinction being made between ‘real MtF transsexuals with gender dysphoria’ and ‘AGP men who are disgusting perverts’.

This is not a fair description of Blanchard’s theory, plus it makes no sense.
Blanchard’s theory is that both have ‘gender dysphoria’ but it has different root causes in gay vs straight men. Neither is more valid than the other. Many people want AGP to be less valid. But gay men are no more women than straight men.
If you want to be judgemental about it, you can say that one type fetishises straight men, the other lesbians. If you want to be non-judgemental you can say that both gay and straight men are punished for expressing femininity and sometimes this affects their sexuality.
There are many ways to think about all this. You don’t have to stick to Blanchard but if you do you need to understand the actual theory, not the bullshit version you read on twitter. It is also extremely helpful to put aside any disgust you may feel.
I believe disgust is the root of the problem. Disgust at femininity in men, with homosexuality, with the human body, with women, with men. Because of disgust we can’t talk about transsexualism honestly. Instead we invent fairytales & horror stories and make it all a big drama.
Men aren’t women. We’re different. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Some people chat endlessly about Blanchardianism. They tend to be male and boring; they categorise, they make moral judgements, they cite statistics, they call each other names. It’s fucking tiresome.
Dysphoria is real; transsexualism is real. But these are only labels for an unusual phenomenon. We simply don’t understand these things, and I’m tired of the pretence that we do.
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