IQ and genetic inheritance of intelligence, some thoughts by a degenerate science-denialist.
Short thread.
Intelligence is supposedly related to academic achievement, with professor being the apex of human intelligence. Because it's professors who study it.
Everyone who met real-life professors noticed how many are pretentious morons. Some are too dumb to fake their science properly.
But much of innovation in our society is driven not by academics, but by inventors who work in industry. Most of these people don't have a PhD, some are university dropouts. Are they intellectually inferior to a professor? Yeah, dream on.
In fact, some of tech inventors and visionaries belong to the richest men on earth, how about that as evolutionary achievement? Are they intellectual geniuses then?
But did you see Elon Musk's tweets?
So maybe our definition of intelligence is just self-centered crap by some professors?
Maybe, but surely this intelligence of discoverers and innovators, whatever it is, is still inheritable, no?
Check their children then, what did they achieve, discovery-wise?
Nothing, that's what. Their only inheritable thing is The Capital. Financial capital for sure, but also social capital. No wonder children of professors become professors themselves. It's not the IQ they inherited, but status + networks.
Merry Christmas!
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