
West Ham United 1 vs 3 Manchester United. A tale of two halves. #MUFC
United buildup with double pivot staying central and the 2 FBs pushup to form a 2422/2431. Martial and VdB would drop and try to be available to receive the ball if United can't progress centrally. #MUFC
WHU buildup in 343 shape from the 451 or 3421 (depends on how you see it). Fornals and Bowen positioned in the half spaces looked to make runs into the spaces left by United FBs - especially Telles. #MUFC
WHU OOP: In the own half WHU would drop into the 541 and in Utd's half they would push the 2 wide midfielders to close all central angles to Utd's double pivot. #MUFC
WHU was very compact and organized in their defensive shape. If any of the forwards drop to receive the ball, a CB move out to close him down and cause a turnover.+ they used AWB as pressing trigger when he receives the ball. #MUFC
Declan Rice was tasked to man mark Donny Van de Beek. VdB tried to be constantly on the move but to be fair to Rice, he denied him space and VdB was not influential in the game. #MUFC
United (in-possession): As the double pivot was marked tightly. United tried to use the flanks and VdB tried to drop in pockets of space and show-up to receive the ball.
#MUFC tried to inter-play between WHU 2nd and last line and didn't have direct options/runners to play direct balls to. The double pivot was un-usually narrow as well and seem to get into each other's way rather than being a passing option to each other. This caused turnovers.
Pogba being the standout performer in the first half was able to fine a couple of runs from Cavani and Greenwood. Although this didn't happened often enough. #MUFC
This is what happened more often. United tried to force inter-play to feet while this looks amazing when it comes off, it requires instant/quick movement and high understanding between players. When it doesn't come off, they look like they don't know what they are doing. #MUFC
Scott: To be fair to him, he was neat and safe most of the game but his positioning was not great- especially 1st half.. His lack of progressive passing (when attempted) and stretch of play killed a lot of the attacks. He got stretched forward lot and Pogba had to cover. #MUFC
AWB was defensively great as per. His positioning was suspect at times but his recovery is incredible and of course the last ditch tackles. WHU didn't have joy from United's right flank. #MUFC
The opposite is true when it comes to Telles. He was caught OOP multiple times & couldn't stop attacks down #mufc'S left flank. WHU were targeting him as he's defensively weak. Telles is offensively great & defensively weak. He shouted "YEAH!" in relief after blocking a cross.
Why did the game change the 2nd half?

The different player types that got introduced. #MUFC needed to create space between WHU last line and 2nd line. #MUFC direct players. Bruno and Rashford are that archetype.
As soon as Rashford came on, WHU backline dropped off a couple of yards to deny him space to run in behind. Thus in turn created space for Bruno in the middle.+ Mata coming on and interchanging with Bruno WHU 2nd line didn't know who to mark and got disorganized. #MUFC
2nd tweak: Scott was moving into the 3rd CB role to provide Pogba more space and disjointed the 1st line and 2nd line of WHU as they no longer have a double pivot to mark man for man. Progba moved into spaces to receive and interchanged with Bruno and moved forward more. #MUFC
Lindelof has been quietly improving aerially. He engages more in headers and his success rate increased. He still lacks the physicality of course but this is positive.
The goal conceded. Players need to be alert in the box and concentrated. the setup is not bad but not following people is the problem. Read the notes. #MUFC
This is a wonderfully constructed Direct Play football. Mata tucking in with Bruno and finding Rashford’s run with exquisite pass. #MUFC
🗣 OGS after Rashford’s goal: “It’s over.” #MUFC

He knew.
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