Cabinet office doc seen by Guardian on no deal scene:"The likelihood of a systemic economic crisis has increased and will have major impacts on disposable incomes, unemployment, business activity, international trade/commerce, market stability, and security decisions/capability"
Cabinet office doc seen by Guardian on no deal and health cover for tourists
It also for the first time states that Brexit and the ending of British residents of the EU-wide European Health Insurance Card will see a 10-20% rise in insurance premiums for holidays on the continent.
Cabinet office doc seen by Guardian on no deal and relations with other member states
"No Negotiated Outcome, we would move into negotiating bilaterals with EU Member States. Some countries may not wish to engage in bilaterals 1/2
, or conversely lots of Reciprocal Agreements with different outcomes could be negotiated, which would increase operational complexities for introducing new rules drawn out over years. 2/2
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