I agree sex work isn't for everyone, but it wasn't and isn't for me either. Telling someone this when they're thinking of starting isn't helpful, especially if driven by financial need. Always be honest about the realities of sex work however. https://twitter.com/nipplerings/status/1335365290859892737
If I asked someone for help and they were like oh yeah its not for you, don't do it then I wouldn't go back to them for help & advice.
I cant imagine street sex work is for anyone... I still used to get extremely nervous when walking down to work and question my life decisions

Its cold, wet, dangerous, exposing and at times degrading but, we do it!
This is the premise that you have to like sex work to do it. I hate sex work and it can be quite traumatising at times. It isn't the job for me, but my choice should be respected regardless.
I know many Onlyfans people who are uncomfortable being naked online, but do it cause they need an income.

Nearly everyone does jobs that aren't for them either, but we do it cause we all got bills to pay, e.g me being a barmaid was absolutely not me.
Dont tell a poor person that it just isnt for them if they're thinking about working. Its shit as it is, and many of us didn't want to make this decision to begin with but felt forced by circumstances. It doesn't help survival sex workers, who don't care if theyre cut out for it.
I was not thinking whether this was the job for me when I started working. I didnt care because I was more worried about money and then later, my drug habit.
Sex work is rooted in survival, not career shopping
Give safety advice first and foremost. Be brutally honest about the realities of sex work including rape, robbery, stalkers and potential impact on mental health, money and sex.

Let the adult make their own decision. Respect that decision.

You don't know their finances either.
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