Hello friends on this chilly Sunday morning.
This thread is a little more personal than I usually am on here, so if it isn’t your thing please feel free to wander off, I shan’t mind a bit.

It doesn’t relate to this week’s court ruling, but is in some ways adjacent, and concerns something that happened a year ago today. What happened was this.

For me that’s not a children’s book; that’s propaganda. I challenged it, as would any normal person. But these aren’t normal times.

Stirred up by the above-mentioned (and a national newspaper no less) I was subjected to a huge amount of threats and abuse. I block early and often, but my email was full, my website overrun, my agent contacted.

They failed on both counts, though. The book has all but disappeared (do they take teachers and librarians for fools?) and I don’t scare easily.

I did feel out on a limb, and quite exposed. The people who vocally supported me, well, they know who they are. I am forever grateful. But most importantly…

it was a revelation about what it must be like for those who have no choice but to face this obsessional prejudice, day after day. So I continue to speak up (as you might have noticed).

But this year, with the Black Lives Matter movement especially, everything has changed. Inclusion and diversity aren’t a desirable extra, they are essential and urgent.

What does this all mean in relation to the book and events I have described? I am a fierce defender of children and of children’s books; so this is what it means to me…

Children need books, from reputable publishers, in which they see themselves, and are seen; not to be afraid or excluded, but to feel safe while they work things out, to be listened to and believed.

If children can be brave, then so can we. When we see adults acting in a manipulative or covert way we must step up and call it out.

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