One of the strangest things about the terms of this Brexit is our apparent adoption of a collective national shrug to the prospect of serious economic damage and job loss, fragility and fear in N Ireland, looming Union break-up, medicine and food shortages & massive disruption.
No doubt there are many explanations, including collective exhaustion after years of toxic division, a largely disinterested media in educating people on the detail, and of course the pandemic.

But, importantly, where do people express & register opposition to what’s happening?
The Opposition should be a forum for this. But Labour’s own divisions are making this a calibrated political analysis rather than a focus for opposition.

Too much of our media has remained enthralled to the personality and drama, rather than educating people on what this means.
People rightly ask - what can we do? How do we show that we take a principled stand and oppose this systematic damage being done to our country?

Talking doesn’t feel enough but we must talk to each other. We must not let apathy and revisionism rewrite history.
Welcoming your constructive thoughts on this here this Sunday.
Here’s an excellent thread talking about the fact we aren’t talking about what’s happening seriously.

For some time it has felt we are incapable of having a serious national discussion. Now the consequences are upon us. Those in govt who could speak out choose not to do so.
You can follow @WomaninHavana.
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